Friday, November 9, 2007

Delivered and run 200km

Though I was so worried about weather, it is fine day for the bike delivered.
Subsequently it started raining at the evening, and tomorrow would be whole rainy. I was lucky to pick the B-King up today.
Wife took me to the shop and I asked her to take back some manuals and seat cowelig etc.

It's eleven o'clock. I started anyway to the west.

I filled up gasoline and entered Seisho-ByPass, stopped by Seisho-Parking. There were only a few motorbikes though. Yes, it's Friday noon. Nobody goes touring from such time like this weekday.
Anyway everybody, watch this! This is not GSR, but B-King!

I had a thing to go out in the evening and no long time to go around,
I got off Seisho-BP at Hayakawa, and ran many places around Hakone.
Today I ran 200km for the first time, keeping the max below 4000 rpm.
6th gear at 4000rpm goes up to 125km/h.
It will be rainy tomorrow, I will read the user manual at home.

Here are first impression of my B-King:

  • legs could not really reach. During red signal, legs hurts. I'm afraid Tachigoke will come soon. How come it should be such big as this?, I wanna complain.

  • Shift_touch is so nice. It's unfair to comparing with though, I miss "Gachako-n!" of Kawasaki.

  • Clutch lever is so light.

  • Engine sound and exhaust note are so silent that cannot hear during run, since the engine is not used at high rev.

  • idling at 1100rpm seems too high, I prefer lower than 1000rpm...

  • don't like permanent light-on

  • 6速の単車って久しぶり(笑) ギアポジション表示は便利だけどアクセルワイヤーが邪魔で見えない!
  • Bモードでの加速性能はゼファ11と同じくらい(?)
  • 走りながらA/Bモード切り換えができない。隼はできるのにぃ~!
  • ブレーキはよく効く。特にRearのコントロール性が良い
  • サスもゼファに比べればもちろん段違いだけど、もう少し腰が欲しいかも。あと縦溝に弱くない?
  • タイヤはだいぶ端まで使ったけど、どこも(バンクセンサーすら)接地せず。
  • 旋回性能はゼファと同じくらいか。意外に曲がらない(悲;) というかキャラ似てる。とりあえず今日はリーンウィズ。
  • Thursday, November 8, 2007

    Eve of the delivered day

    Tomorrow weather forcast is
    Umbrella Mark (rainy) ...orz

    Rainfall percentage is 50% in the morning and 30% in the afternoon
    Precipitation would be 0 - 0.4mm.

    I would like but have to ....

    However it will be more rainy on Saturday,

    and I have another option to get the B-King
    by delivering home that day.

    Anyway I would like see it ASAP.

    The right picture taken by the shop is
    the B-King that will be mine!

    Ok, I will decide which way I should select tomorrow morning.

    Friday, October 26, 2007

    2007 Tokyo Motor Show

    Tokyo MotorShow 2007

    I have been there to attend Tokyo MotorShow last three times or so.
    This year I don't think I will visit there...

    B-King seems to be on the stage and we don't touch and ride it, I hear.

    By the way,,,

    From this angle*, it must look most cool though.

    I don't know what to express, but it has something weird appearance,
    rear fender seems to be attached at later designed.

    Fucks for luggages would be much important practically than
    such dummy silencers like these.
    I wonder if I cannot carry any luggages on. What to do?

    *Muffler appears out a little bit similar with Yamaha MT01.

    Tuesday, October 23, 2007

    Summary of B-King articles

    B-KING for GSX1300BK(K8) 2007 model

    Here's a summary of information about impressions, movies and specs.
    They almost seem to come from UK.
    So there're few information written in Japanese.

    Except for "Bikers-Station" (2007/10), there are some blogs about test ride impression at shop tour.
    Motomap web site has not been updated since last July.



    Movie:MCN impression (B-King:First UK Group Test;6'39")

    Movie:EUROSPEEDWAY test ride onboard (youtube;4'49")

    Movie:EUROSPEEDWAY test ride1 (MCN;0'56")

    Movie:EUROSPEEDWAY test ride2 (MCN;4'09")

    Impression article (INDEPENDENT@UK 2007.10.16)

    Impression article ( @UK)

    Impression article (MCN Review)

    Impression article (MCN 2007.8.1)

    Impression article (Bikers-Station 10月号)




    Friday, October 12, 2007

    PV (Promotion Video)

    Here is video link for "Suzuki B-King 2008 Promo"

    UK site has various B-KING goods here.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2007

    MCN report

    will be delivered...

    When I was home today, wife told me she got a phone call from the bike shop.
    "He said your bike will arrive at November 10th by the import shop, and he said he will call again".
    Whaaaaat? wai....t for ha??
    arrive at November 10th? Doesn't it mean the day is the delivered day, but they would maintain the bike and apply or something for delivering from then?
    I was really dissapointed. It's getting cooler and colder day by day.
    What should I do for GSM on November 13? I have nothing to do but cancel.