Friday, November 9, 2007

Delivered and run 200km

Though I was so worried about weather, it is fine day for the bike delivered.
Subsequently it started raining at the evening, and tomorrow would be whole rainy. I was lucky to pick the B-King up today.
Wife took me to the shop and I asked her to take back some manuals and seat cowelig etc.

It's eleven o'clock. I started anyway to the west.

I filled up gasoline and entered Seisho-ByPass, stopped by Seisho-Parking. There were only a few motorbikes though. Yes, it's Friday noon. Nobody goes touring from such time like this weekday.
Anyway everybody, watch this! This is not GSR, but B-King!

I had a thing to go out in the evening and no long time to go around,
I got off Seisho-BP at Hayakawa, and ran many places around Hakone.
Today I ran 200km for the first time, keeping the max below 4000 rpm.
6th gear at 4000rpm goes up to 125km/h.
It will be rainy tomorrow, I will read the user manual at home.

Here are first impression of my B-King:

  • legs could not really reach. During red signal, legs hurts. I'm afraid Tachigoke will come soon. How come it should be such big as this?, I wanna complain.

  • Shift_touch is so nice. It's unfair to comparing with though, I miss "Gachako-n!" of Kawasaki.

  • Clutch lever is so light.

  • Engine sound and exhaust note are so silent that cannot hear during run, since the engine is not used at high rev.

  • idling at 1100rpm seems too high, I prefer lower than 1000rpm...

  • don't like permanent light-on

  • 6速の単車って久しぶり(笑) ギアポジション表示は便利だけどアクセルワイヤーが邪魔で見えない!
  • Bモードでの加速性能はゼファ11と同じくらい(?)
  • 走りながらA/Bモード切り換えができない。隼はできるのにぃ~!
  • ブレーキはよく効く。特にRearのコントロール性が良い
  • サスもゼファに比べればもちろん段違いだけど、もう少し腰が欲しいかも。あと縦溝に弱くない?
  • タイヤはだいぶ端まで使ったけど、どこも(バンクセンサーすら)接地せず。
  • 旋回性能はゼファと同じくらいか。意外に曲がらない(悲;) というかキャラ似てる。とりあえず今日はリーンウィズ。
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